/why agricultural assets?


Wollstone Capital invests in de-correlated cash yielding commodity-based assets with long-term capital appreciation

Agricultural assets planted for the future

Global Trends

Growth driven by global demand of the confectionary sector.

Stability of Cash Flows

Protected with Insurance, Irrigation & Offtake agreements


Large availability of land that can be turned carbon positive


Combining Data, Science & Tradition

Innovative production

Utilizing Sensors, Drones and mechanization


Adopting principals of regenerative farming and tracking & reducing inputs

Investing for the future:
Developing and operating resiliant orchards

Buy high quality agricultural assets that have demonstrated decades of productivity throughout different crop and economic cycles.

Combine technical expertise, financial structuring (offtake agreements and insurance) and experienced field management combined with data to reduce risk

Prioritize land with a history of good rainfall combined with access to water

Minimize downside through active management of the land, and its environment by building yield resilience through regenerative practices.

Incorporate sustainable ways of putting back into the soil and surrounding forests more carbon than we take out

European Farmland is undervalued especially when Water and Carbon is priced in the supply chain.

European Farmland is undervalued especially when Water and Carbon is priced in the supply chain.